
Join the DiabetesSmart family to provide high-quality diabetes education and make a difference in the lives of people living with diabetes.

DiabetesSmart Pharmacists

DiabetesSmart Registered Dietitians

DiabetesSmart Health Departments

By joining the
family, you will

  • Support of a statewide umbrella program
  • Technical assistance and support for billing, marketing, curriculum, program development and quality improvement
  • Assistance with obtaining and maintaining ADA recognition
  • Monthly communication and training
  • Access to the DiabetesSmart Portal

Don’t do it alone. Get the support of a statewide program to simplify the process, alleviate some of the administrative burden, and be able to market your organization as an American Diabetes Association (ADA) recognized provider of Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) services.

DSMES is the gold
standard in diabetes
The only diabetes education reimbursable by Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurances
Proven to improve hemoglobin A1c, blood pressure, and lipids, enhance role of medications, reduce complications, and increase healthier lifestyle behavior
Join the DiabetesSmart family

Contact DiabetesSmart@dhhs.nc.gov to gain access to the DiabetesSmart online portal. Once you gain access, a member of the DiabetesSmart team will guide you through the following steps of becoming a part of the DiabetesSmart family.

Complete your Organization Profile. This will help the DiabetesSmart team better understand your organization.
Complete your Readiness Assessment and determine if your organization is prepared to offer DSMES.
Submit the DiabetesSmart Application to begin the recognition process.
Establish a DSMES Team. Gather documentation of specific licenses/credentials as well as continuing education in diabetes-related topics for each educator.
Submit the ADA Recognition Application with supporting documentation.

As part of the DiabetesSmart family you will continue to have access to the online portal and a resource repository.